Tarachus, martyred at Anazarbus in Cilicia |
Tarasius, Greek Martyr |
Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople |
Tarcisius of Rome, Acolyte and Martyr, Patron of Communion Ministers |
Tarsilia, Aunt of Gregory the Great |
Tarsyilya Matskiv, Ukrainian Nun, Martyred by a Soviet Soldier |
Tatiana of Rome, Deaconess and Martyr |
Taurinus, Bishop of Auch |
Telemachus (Almachus), Monk, whose martyrdom ended the gladiatorial games |
Telesphorus, Pope and Martyr |
Telmo (Pedro González Telmo), Dominican Priest |
Terence, Roman Centurion, Martyr |
Terentius of Imola, Deacon and Hermit |
Terentius, Bishop of Todi |
Teresa Casini, Foundress of the Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Teresa Cejudo Redondo, laywoman, mother, martyred in Seville |
Teresa Eustochio Verzeri, Foundress of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Teresa Margarita of the Sacred Heart (Redi), Carmelite nun |
Teresa of Avila, Carmelite Mystic and Doctor of the Church |
Teresa of Calcutta (hair, two autographed books) |
Teresa of Jesus of the Andes, Chilean Carmelite Nun |
Tertullia, Virgin, Martyr |
Thais of Egypt, Penitent |
Thecla of Iconium, Apostolic Virgin and Martyr |
Themistocles of Myra, Marttyr |
Theobald |
Theobald (Thibaut, Tybalt) Camoldolese Hermit in Luxembourg |
Theodard (Audard), Archbishop of Narbonne |
Theodard, Bishop of Maastricht and Martyr |
Theodora, Empress of Byzantium, who ended Iconoclasm |
Theodora of Rome, Virgin and Martyr |
Theodore Guerin, Foundress of the Sisters of Providence of St. Mary of the Woods |
Theodore of Byzantium, “the New Martyr” |
Theodore or Echaita, Soldier and Martyr |
Theodore Romzha, Ruthenian Bishop of Mukachene, Martyr |
Theodore the Studite, Abbot in Constantinople, Theologian |
Theodore, Bishop (of Mopsuestia? or Canterbury?) |
Theodore, Bishop of Cyrene |
Theodore, Bishop of Pavia |
Theodoret of Antioch, Priest, Cathedral Treasurer, Martyred by Julian the Apostate |
Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrrhus and Theologian |
Theodoric van der Eem, Franciscan Priest, one of the 19 Martyrs of Gorkum |
Theodosia, Virgin and Martyr |
Theodosius fhe Great (the Cenobiarch) Abbot |
Theodosius of Kiev |
Theodota, martyred at Constantinople for hiding icons |
Theodulph of Trier, Hermit |
Theodulph, Bishop of Lobbes, Belgium |
Theodulus, Martyr |
Theogenes of Cyzicus, Martyr |
Theogenes, Bishop of Hippo |
Theoginis of Laodicia, Martyr |
Theoktistos of Palestine, Hermit |
Theonas, Martyr |
Theonas, Martyr |
Theonilla, Martyr |
Theopemptus, Martyr |
Theophanes the Isaurian, Abbot of Mt Sigriane Abbey, Constantinople |
Theophila, Martyr |
Theophilus (Biagio) Arrighi of Corte, Franciscan Priest, Missionary in Corsica |
Theophilus of Constantinople |
Theophilus, Sixth Bishop of Antioch, Apologist |
Theophylact, Metropolitan of Nicomedia |
Theopompos, Bishop of Nicomedia and Martyr |
Theotimus, Bishop of Tomi (Constanta), Romania |
Theotonio, Priest, Augustinian Prior of Coimbra |
Theresa (Josephine) Dudzik, Foundress of the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago |
Therese (Marie-Victoire) Couderc, Foundress of the Religious of the Cenacle |
Therese Martin of Lisieux, Carmelite and Doctor of the Church (Little Flower of the Child Jesus) |
Therese of St. Augustine: Princess Louise of France, youngest daughter of Louis XV, who was prioress of the Carmelites at St. Denis, poisoned by opponents of the monarchy in 1787 |
Therese Verhaeghe, 3rd order Dominican, Beguine from Ghent |
Theresia, Cistercian Nun |
Thillo (Tillo, Theau), Saxon Priest, Missionary in the Low Countries |
Thomas a Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury and Martyr |
Thomas a Kempis (Thomas of Kempen), Canon, Author of the “Imitation of Christ” |
Thomas ab Urb |
Thomas Aquinas, Dominican Priest and Doctor of the Church |
Thomas de Cantalupe, Bishop of Hereford |
Thomas Garnet, English Jesuit Martyr |
Thomas More, Chancellor of England and Martyr |
Thomas of Cori, Franciscan Priest |
Thomas of Tolentino, Franciscan martyred in China |
Thomas of Villanova, Augustinian Archbishop of Valencia |
Thomas the Apostle |
Thorlak Thorhallsson, Bishop of Skalholt, Patron of Iceland |
Throphanes “the Recluse” of Antioch |
Tiburtius. Martyr, Brother-in-law of St. Cecilia |
Tichon of Limassol, Cyprus, Bishop |
Tikhon |
Timon, one of the first Seven Deacons |
Timothy Giaccardo, Pauline Priest |
Timothy of Rome, Priest and Martyr |
Timothy, Bishop of Gaza and Martyr |
Timothy, Disciple of St. Paul and Bishop of Ephesus |
Timothy, Martyr |
Titus Brandsma, Dutch Carmelite Priest, professional journalist, martyred in Dachau |
Titus, Disciple of St. Paul and Bishop of Crete |
Tiziano, Fifth Bishop of Brescia |
Tomasso Maria Fusco, Priest, Founder of the Daughters of Charity of the Precious Blood |
Torello da Poppi, Franciscan Hermit |
Toribio Romo, Mexican Priest, Martyr, Patron of Immigrants |
Torpetius (Torpès, Tropez) of Pisa, Martyr |
Torquatus, Bishop of Gaudix and Martyr |
Torquatus, Bishop of Saint-Paul-Trois-Chateaux |
Totnan, companion of St. Kilian, martyred near Würzburg |
Tranquilinio Ubiarco Robles, Mexican Priest, Cristero Martyr |
Trianon, Bishop and Martyr |
Triduana, 8th century Irish Hermitess in Scotland |
Trifyllius, Bishop of Nicosia |
Trophima, Martyred in Alexandria |
Trophimus (Trophime), Bishop of Arles |
Trudo (Trond) of Hesbaye, Belgium, Benedictine Abbot |
Tryphenia of Rome, Friend of St. Pauil (greeted in Romans) |
Tryphon of Campsada, Syria, Martyred in Nicaea |
Tugdual, Bishop in Brittany |
Turbon, Martyred in Cappadocia, venerated in Langres |
Turibius de Mogrovejo, Archbishop of Lima |
Turibius, Bishop of Astorga |
Twelve Apostles of Ireland, 6th century monks who studied under St. Finian of Clonard: |
Brendan of Birr – in B |
Brendan of Clonfert – in B |
Canice of Aghaboe – Canice, Irish Abbot of Kilkenny in C |
Ciaran of Clonmacnois – in C |
Ciaran of Saighir – in C |
Columba of Iona – in C |
Columba of Terryglass |
Laisren Mac Nad Froich |
Mobhi of Glasnevin |
Ninidh of Lough Erne – in N |
Ruadhain of Lorrha |
Senan of Iniscathay – in S |