Caecilius of Carthage, Priest who converted Cyprian, who took care of his wife and children after Caecilius died |
Caesarius of Armenia, Martyr |
Caesarius of Terracina, Deacon and Martyr |
Caesarius, Archbishop of Arles |
Caetano Errico, Priest, Founder of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart |
Caimin, Abbot of Lough Derg in Ireland |
Caius, Pope and Martyr |
Cajetan (Gaetano), Co-founder of the Clerics Regular, Theatines |
Calepodius of Rome, Priest and Martyr |
Calliope of Lerma, Spain, Martyr |
Calliopus of Perge, Martyr |
Callista of Cappadocia, Martyr, Companion of St. Dorothy |
Callistratus, Martyred in Chalcedon |
Callistus Calvario, Salesian Priest, Martyred in China |
Callistus I, Pope and Martyr |
Callistus of Corinth, Martyr |
Callistus, Bishop of Todi and Martyr |
Calminius, Co-founder of Three French Abbeys |
Calocerus of Rome, Imperial Eunuch, Martyr |
Calogero of Sicily, Hermit |
Camilla Battista da Varano, Poor Clare Abbess |
Camillus de Lellis, Priest, Founder of the Camillans |
Candida, Roman Virgin and Martyr |
Candidus, Martyr |
Candidus, Martyr |
Candidus, Martyr |
Candidus, Martyr of Alexandria |
Canice, Irish Abbot of Kilkenny |
Canio, Bishop of Atelle (Compania), Martyred by Vandals |
Canute IV, King of Denmark and Martyr |
Caprasius of Lerins, Hermit |
Caprasius, Bishop of Agen and Martyr |
Caradoc, Welsh Nobleman, Harpist and Hermit |
Carantoc, Bishop of Cardigan, Wales |
Caraunus (Cheron) of Chartres, Deacon and Martyr |
Carileffus of Menat, Monk in Auvergne |
Carilippus of Languedoc, Martyr |
Carisima of Albi, Martyr |
Carl Steeb, Priest, Founder of the Sisters of Mercy of Verona |
Carla Ronci |
Carlo Acutis, Patron of Youth and of Computer Programmers |
Carlo Gnocchi, Italian Priest, Chaplain, Educator |
Carlo Liviero, Bishop of Citá di Castello, Founder of the Little Brothers of the Sacred Heart |
Carlos Manuel Rodriguez Samtoago. Layman, First Beatified Puerto Rican |
Carmelite nuns from the Cloister of Compiégne, who were guillotined in Paris on July 1 7, 1794 (two relics from the clothing of the 16 nuns) |
Carmen Sallas y Barangueras, Founder, Conceptionist Sisters of Education, strong supporter of women’s rights |
Carpus, Bishop martyred in Pergamum |
Carthage of Lismore |
Casaria, |
Casilda of Toledo, Martyr |
Casimir, Prince of Poland, Patron of Poland and Lithuania |
Cassianus of Imola, Martyr |
Cassianus, Bishop of Todi, Martyr |
Cassianus, Martyr |
Cassius, Bishop of Narni |
Castor of Aquitaine (of Karden), Priest, Hermit |
Castor of Tarsus, Martyr |
Castrense, Bishop of Castel Volturno, Martyr |
Castricianus, Bishop of Milan |
Castulus, Martyr |
Catherine Bos |
Catherine dei Ricci, Dominican Mystic |
Catherine Labouré, Daughter of Charity, Saw Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal |
Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr |
Catherine of Bologna, Poor Clare Abbess |
Catherine of Genoa, Widow, Mystic |
Catherine of Siena, Dominican Mystic and Doctor of the Church |
Catherine of St. Augustine (Catherine de Simon de Longpre), Augustinian foundress of the Hotel Dieu in Quebec |
Catherine of Sweden, Nun, Daughter of Brigit of Sweden |
Catherine Thomas (Catalina Tomas) of Palma, Augustinian Canoness |
Catherine Volpicelli, Foundress of the Institute of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart |
Cayetana of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr |
Cecilia Cesarini, Dominican Nun |
Cecilia of Rome, Virgin and Martyr |
Ceferino, Martyr |
Celedonius, Soldier and Martyr |
Celerinus, African Martyr |
Celestine V (Peter of Morone), the first of only two Popes who have retired |
Celestine, Martyr |
Celsus, Martyr |
Censurius, Bishop of Auxerre |
Ceolfrid (Geolfridus), Abbot of Jarrow and Wearmouth, Teacher of Bede the Venerable |
Cera (Keira) of Kileary, Irish Abbess |
Cerbonius, Bishop of Piombino |
Cerbonius, Bishop of Verona |
Ceronatus, Martyr |
Cesare Baronio (Baronius), Roman Cardinal, Church Historian |
Cetteus. Bishop of Amiternun, Patron of Pescara |
Chad (Caeda) of Mercia, Archbishop of York, Bishop of Lichfield |
Charbel (born Abdullah Youssef) Makhlouf, Maronite Hermit |
Chariton, Hermit |
Charles Borromeo, Cardinal Archbishop of Milan |
Charles de Foucauld, Cistercian Priest, Martyr |
Charles Garnier, Jesuit Priest, North American Martyr |
Charles Houben of Mount Argus, Passionist Brother |
Charles Lwanga, One of the Martyrs of Uganda |
Charles of Sezze (Giancarlo Marchione), Franciscan Lay Brother, Stigmatist |
Charles the Good, Count of Flanders, Martyr |
Chelidonia, Benedictine Hermitess |
Chionia of Thessaloniki, Virgin and Martyr |
Christiana of Lucca, (Oringa of the Cross), Augustinian Nun |
Christina of Bolsena, Virgin and Martyr |
Christina, Virgin Martyred in Persia |
Christopher of Lycia, Martyr |
Christotelus, Martyr |
Chrodegand (Godegrand), Bishop of Seez, brother of Opportuna |
Chrysanthus, Egyptian, martyred in Rome with his Greek wife, Daria |
Chrysogonus, Bishop of Aquilea, Martyr |
Chrysolius (Chrysole) Armenian Bishop Martyred in Flanders c. 300 |
Ciaran (Kieran), Abbot of Clonmacnois, Ireland |
Ciaran (Kieran), Abbot of Saighir, Ireland |
Cireneus of Spoleto |
Cirilo Bertran (Jose Sanz Tejedor), Superior of Christian Brothers of Turon, Martyred in Spain in 1934 |
Clara Gambacorta, Dominican Nun, the Dominican “Teresa” |
Clare of Assisi, Foundress of the Poor Clares, Clarissas |
Clare of Montefalco, Augustinian Nun |
Clarentius, Bishop of Vienne |
Clarus (Clair), Bishop of Nantes |
Clarus of Vienne, Abbot of St. Marcel |
Claude Chevrier, French Vincentian Priest Martyred in China in 1870 |
Claude de la Colombiere, Jesuit Priest, Spiritual Director of St. Margaret Mary |
Claudia, Virgin, Martyred at Aminsus |
Claudine Thevenet, Foundress of the Congregation of the Religious of Jesus and Mary |
Claudius of Rome, Martyr |
Claudius, Martyred at Leon, Spain |
Clelia Barbieri, Foundress of the Little Sisters of the Mother of Sorrows |
Clement I (of Rome), Pope, Martyr, and Father of the Church |
Clement Mary Hofbauer, Redemptorist Priest, “Apostle of Vienna” |
Clement of Alexandria, Head of the Catechetical School |
Clement, Bishop of Ancyra (Ankara), Martyr |
Clement, Martyr |
Clemente Vismara, Italian Priest, Missionary to Burma |
Clementianus of Carthage, North African Martyr |
Cleonicus of Pontus, Martyr |
Cleopas, Disciple, Martyr |
Cleta, Martyr |
Cletus, Pope and Martyr |
Clinus, Benedictine Abbot of Monte Cassino, Confessor |
Clodulph, Bishop of Metz |
Clotilde, Queen of the Franks, Wife of Clovis |
Cloud (Clodoaldus), Abbot |
Coelestinus, Martyr |
Colette of Corbie, Reformer of the Poor Clares |
Colman (Mocholmoc) Bishop of Dromore, Ireland |
Colman of Eo, Abbot of Muckamore, Ireland |
Colman, companion to St. Kilian, martyred in Würzburg |
Coloman (Colman) Irish pilgrim martyred at Stockerau, Austria |
Columba (Columcille), Abbot of Iona |
Columba (Joseph) Marmion, Benedictine Abbot |
Columba of Cordova, Nun, Martyr |
Columba of Cornwall, Virgin and Martyr |
Columba of Sens, Virgin and Martyr |
Columbanus (Columban), Irish Missionary to Europe |
Conan (Mochonna) Irish Missionary Bishop on the Isle of Man |
Conatantius (one of several) |
Concordius of Spoleto, Martyr |
Conindrus, Priest baptized and ordained by St. Patrick, Missionary to the Isle of Man |
Cono of Lucania, Benedictine Monk |
Conon of Naso, Sicily, Basilian Monk |
Conon of Pamphylia, Gardener and Martyr |
Conrad |
Conrad Birndorfer of Parzham, Capuchin Priest |
Conrad of Piacenza, Confessor |
Conrad, Bishop of Constance |
Consortia of Lyon, Ascetic |
Constabilis, 4th Abbot of Cava |
Constance (Constantia Augusta, Costanza), daughter of Emperor Constantine I |
Constance of Vercelli, Virgin |
Constantine II, King of Scotland, Martyr |
Constantine the Great, Emperor |
Constantine, Bishop of Gap |
Constantinus |
Constantius, Bishop of Perugia |
Contardo d’Este, pilgrim |
Contardo Ferrini, Confessor |
Corbinian (Waldegiso), First Abbot and Bishop of Freising |
Cordula, Virgin and Martyr |
Corentin, first Bishop of Quimper, Brittany |
Cornelia, Martyr |
Cornelia, Martyred in Africa |
Cornelius the Centurion |
Cornelius, Pope and Martyr |
Corona, Virgin and Martyr |
Cosmas, Syrian Physician and Martyr |
Cosmos, Martyred near Jerusalem |
Cosranzo (Constantius) of Fabriano, Dominican |
Crato, Martyr |
Crescentia Hoss, nun of the Third Order of St. Francis |
Crescentia, Governess of St. Vitus, Martyr |
Crescentiana of Rome, Martyr |
Crescentius of Myra, Martyr |
Crescentius, Martyr |
Crestus of Tomis, Martyr |
Crispin of Soissons, Martyr |
Crispin of Viterbo, Capuchin Lay Brother |
Crispinian of Soissons, Shoemaker, Martyr |
Cristobal Magallanes Jara, Priest, Cristero Martyr |
Cucufas, Martyr |
Cunegunda, Empress |
Cunibert, 9th Bishop of Cologne |
Cuthbert Mayne, English Priest, Martyr |
Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne |
Cyaiaca of Rome, Martyr |
Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, Martyr, and Father of the Church |
Cyprian, Bishop of Pisidian Antioch, Martyr |
Cyriaca (Dominica), Virgin martyred at Nicomedia |
Cyriacus of Attala in Pamphylia, boy Martyr |
Cyriacus of Buonvicino, Basilian Monk, Martyr |
Cyriacus of Rome, Deacon and Martyr |
Cyriacus, Bishop of Ancona and Martyr |
Cyril Bedizersky (of Belozero?), Russian monk |
Cyril of Heliopolis (Baalbek), Deacon, Martyr |
Cyril of Thessalonika, Martyr |
Cyril, Bishop of Turov |
Cyril, Deacon of Hierapolis and Martyr |
Cyril, Martyr |
Cyril, Monk, Missionary to Moravia, Developer of the Cyrillic Alphabet |
Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria and Father of the Church |
Cyril, Patriarch of Jerusalem and Father of the Church |
Cyrus of Egypt, Martyr |
Czeslaw (Ceslas) Odrowaz, Dominican Priest, Brother of St. Hyacinth |