Caecilius of Carthage, Priest who converted Cyprian, who took care of his wife and children after Caecilius died
Caesarius of Armenia, Martyr
Caesarius of Terracina, Deacon and Martyr
Caesarius, Archbishop of Arles
Caetano Errico, Priest, Founder of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
Caimin, Abbot of Lough Derg in Ireland
Caius, Pope and Martyr
Cajetan (Gaetano), Co-founder of the Clerics Regular, Theatines
Calepodius of Rome, Priest and Martyr
Calliope of Lerma, Spain, Martyr
Calliopus of Perge, Martyr
Callista of Cappadocia, Martyr, Companion of St. Dorothy
Callistratus, Martyred in Chalcedon
Callistus Calvario, Salesian Priest, Martyred in China
Callistus I, Pope and Martyr
Callistus of Corinth, Martyr
Callistus, Bishop of Todi and Martyr
Calminius, Co-founder of Three French Abbeys
Calocerus of Rome, Imperial Eunuch, Martyr
Calogero of Sicily, Hermit
Camilla Battista da Varano, Poor Clare Abbess
Camillus de Lellis, Priest, Founder of the Camillans
Candida, Roman Virgin and Martyr
Candidus, Martyr
Candidus, Martyr
Candidus, Martyr
Candidus, Martyr of Alexandria
Canice, Irish Abbot of Kilkenny
Canio, Bishop of Atelle (Compania), Martyred by Vandals
Canute IV, King of Denmark and Martyr
Caprasius of Lerins, Hermit
Caprasius, Bishop of Agen and Martyr
Caradoc, Welsh Nobleman, Harpist and Hermit
Carantoc, Bishop of Cardigan, Wales
Caraunus (Cheron) of Chartres, Deacon and Martyr
Carileffus of Menat, Monk in Auvergne
Carilippus of Languedoc, Martyr
Carisima of Albi, Martyr
Carl Steeb, Priest, Founder of the Sisters of Mercy of Verona
Carla Ronci
Carlo Acutis, Patron of Youth and of Computer Programmers
Carlo Gnocchi, Italian Priest, Chaplain, Educator
Carlo Liviero, Bishop of Citá di Castello, Founder of the Little Brothers of the Sacred Heart
Carlos Manuel Rodriguez Samtoago. Layman, First Beatified Puerto Rican
Carmelite nuns from the Cloister of Compiégne, who were guillotined in Paris on July 1 7, 1794 (two relics from the clothing of the 16 nuns)
Carmen Sallas y Barangueras, Founder, Conceptionist Sisters of Education, strong supporter of women’s rights
Carpus, Bishop martyred in Pergamum
Carthage of Lismore
Casilda of Toledo, Martyr
Casimir, Prince of Poland, Patron of Poland and Lithuania
Cassianus of Imola, Martyr
Cassianus, Bishop of Todi, Martyr
Cassianus, Martyr
Cassius, Bishop of Narni
Castor of Aquitaine (of Karden), Priest, Hermit
Castor of Tarsus, Martyr
Castrense, Bishop of Castel Volturno, Martyr
Castricianus, Bishop of Milan
Castulus, Martyr
Catherine Bos
Catherine dei Ricci, Dominican Mystic
Catherine Labouré, Daughter of Charity, Saw Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr
Catherine of Bologna, Poor Clare Abbess
Catherine of Genoa, Widow, Mystic
Catherine of Siena, Dominican Mystic and Doctor of the Church
Catherine of St. Augustine (Catherine de Simon de Longpre), Augustinian foundress of the Hotel Dieu in Quebec
Catherine of Sweden, Nun, Daughter of Brigit of Sweden
Catherine Thomas (Catalina Tomas) of Palma, Augustinian Canoness
Catherine Volpicelli, Foundress of the Institute of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart
Cayetana of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr
Cecilia Cesarini, Dominican Nun
Cecilia of Rome, Virgin and Martyr
Ceferino, Martyr
Celedonius, Soldier and Martyr
Celerinus, African Martyr
Celestine V (Peter of Morone), the first of only two Popes who have retired
Celestine, Martyr
Celsus, Martyr
Censurius, Bishop of Auxerre
Ceolfrid (Geolfridus), Abbot of Jarrow and Wearmouth, Teacher of Bede the Venerable
Cera (Keira) of Kileary, Irish Abbess
Cerbonius, Bishop of Piombino
Cerbonius, Bishop of Verona
Ceronatus, Martyr
Cesare Baronio (Baronius), Roman Cardinal, Church Historian
Cetteus. Bishop of Amiternun, Patron of Pescara
Chad (Caeda) of Mercia, Archbishop of York, Bishop of Lichfield
Charbel (born Abdullah Youssef) Makhlouf, Maronite Hermit
Chariton, Hermit
Charles Borromeo, Cardinal Archbishop of Milan
Charles de Foucauld, Cistercian Priest, Martyr
Charles Garnier, Jesuit Priest, North American Martyr
Charles Houben of Mount Argus, Passionist Brother
Charles Lwanga, One of the Martyrs of Uganda
Charles of Sezze (Giancarlo Marchione), Franciscan Lay Brother, Stigmatist
Charles the Good, Count of Flanders, Martyr
Chelidonia, Benedictine Hermitess
Chionia of Thessaloniki, Virgin and Martyr
Christiana of Lucca, (Oringa of the Cross), Augustinian Nun
Christina of Bolsena, Virgin and Martyr
Christina, Virgin Martyred in Persia
Christopher of Lycia, Martyr
Christotelus, Martyr
Chrodegand (Godegrand), Bishop of Seez, brother of Opportuna
Chrysanthus, Egyptian, martyred in Rome with his Greek wife, Daria
Chrysogonus, Bishop of Aquilea, Martyr
Chrysolius (Chrysole) Armenian Bishop Martyred in Flanders c. 300
Ciaran (Kieran), Abbot of Clonmacnois, Ireland
Ciaran (Kieran), Abbot of Saighir, Ireland
Cireneus of Spoleto
Cirilo Bertran (Jose Sanz Tejedor), Superior of Christian Brothers of Turon, Martyred in Spain in 1934
Clara Gambacorta, Dominican Nun, the Dominican “Teresa”
Clare of Assisi, Foundress of the Poor Clares, Clarissas
Clare of Montefalco, Augustinian Nun
Clarentius, Bishop of Vienne
Clarus (Clair), Bishop of Nantes
Clarus of Vienne, Abbot of St. Marcel
Claude Chevrier, French Vincentian Priest Martyred in China in 1870
Claude de la Colombiere, Jesuit Priest, Spiritual Director of St. Margaret Mary
Claudia, Virgin, Martyred at Aminsus
Claudine Thevenet, Foundress of the Congregation of the Religious of Jesus and Mary
Claudius of Rome, Martyr
Claudius, Martyred at Leon, Spain
Clelia Barbieri, Foundress of the Little Sisters of the Mother of Sorrows
Clement I (of Rome), Pope, Martyr, and Father of the Church
Clement Mary Hofbauer, Redemptorist Priest, “Apostle of Vienna”
Clement of Alexandria, Head of the Catechetical School
Clement, Bishop of Ancyra (Ankara), Martyr
Clement, Martyr
Clemente Vismara, Italian Priest, Missionary to Burma
Clementianus of Carthage, North African Martyr
Cleonicus of Pontus, Martyr
Cleopas, Disciple, Martyr
Cleta, Martyr
Cletus, Pope and Martyr
Clinus, Benedictine Abbot of Monte Cassino, Confessor
Clodulph, Bishop of Metz
Clotilde, Queen of the Franks, Wife of Clovis
Cloud (Clodoaldus), Abbot
Coelestinus, Martyr
Colette of Corbie, Reformer of the Poor Clares
Colman (Mocholmoc) Bishop of Dromore, Ireland
Colman of Eo, Abbot of Muckamore, Ireland
Colman, companion to St. Kilian, martyred in Würzburg
Coloman (Colman) Irish pilgrim martyred at Stockerau, Austria
Columba (Columcille), Abbot of Iona
Columba (Joseph) Marmion, Benedictine Abbot
Columba of Cordova, Nun, Martyr
Columba of Cornwall, Virgin and Martyr
Columba of Sens, Virgin and Martyr
Columbanus (Columban), Irish Missionary to Europe
Conan (Mochonna) Irish Missionary Bishop on the Isle of Man
Conatantius (one of several)
Concordius of Spoleto, Martyr
Conindrus, Priest baptized and ordained by St. Patrick, Missionary to the Isle of Man
Cono of Lucania, Benedictine Monk
Conon of Naso, Sicily, Basilian Monk
Conon of Pamphylia, Gardener and Martyr
Conrad Birndorfer of Parzham, Capuchin Priest
Conrad of Piacenza, Confessor
Conrad, Bishop of Constance
Consortia of Lyon, Ascetic
Constabilis, 4th Abbot of Cava
Constance (Constantia Augusta, Costanza), daughter of Emperor Constantine I
Constance of Vercelli, Virgin
Constantine II, King of Scotland, Martyr
Constantine the Great, Emperor
Constantine, Bishop of Gap
Constantius, Bishop of Perugia
Contardo d’Este, pilgrim
Contardo Ferrini, Confessor
Corbinian (Waldegiso), First Abbot and Bishop of Freising
Cordula, Virgin and Martyr
Corentin, first Bishop of Quimper, Brittany
Cornelia, Martyr
Cornelia, Martyred in Africa
Cornelius the Centurion
Cornelius, Pope and Martyr
Corona, Virgin and Martyr
Cosmas, Syrian Physician and Martyr
Cosmos, Martyred near Jerusalem
Cosranzo (Constantius) of Fabriano, Dominican
Crato, Martyr
Crescentia Hoss, nun of the Third Order of St. Francis
Crescentia, Governess of St. Vitus, Martyr
Crescentiana of Rome, Martyr
Crescentius of Myra, Martyr
Crescentius, Martyr
Crestus of Tomis, Martyr
Crispin of Soissons, Martyr
Crispin of Viterbo, Capuchin Lay Brother
Crispinian of Soissons, Shoemaker, Martyr
Cristobal Magallanes Jara, Priest, Cristero Martyr
Cucufas, Martyr
Cunegunda, Empress
Cunibert, 9th Bishop of Cologne
Cuthbert Mayne, English Priest, Martyr
Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne
Cyaiaca of Rome, Martyr
Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, Martyr, and Father of the Church
Cyprian, Bishop of Pisidian Antioch, Martyr
Cyriaca (Dominica), Virgin martyred at Nicomedia
Cyriacus of Attala in Pamphylia, boy Martyr
Cyriacus of Buonvicino, Basilian Monk, Martyr
Cyriacus of Rome, Deacon and Martyr
Cyriacus, Bishop of Ancona and Martyr
Cyril Bedizersky (of Belozero?), Russian monk
Cyril of Heliopolis (Baalbek), Deacon, Martyr
Cyril of Thessalonika, Martyr
Cyril, Bishop of Turov
Cyril, Deacon of Hierapolis and Martyr
Cyril, Martyr
Cyril, Monk, Missionary to Moravia, Developer of the Cyrillic Alphabet
Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria and Father of the Church
Cyril, Patriarch of Jerusalem and Father of the Church
Cyrus of Egypt, Martyr
Czeslaw (Ceslas) Odrowaz, Dominican Priest, Brother of St. Hyacinth